D3 barbarian reroll str or % dmg

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Sniq - Yes it does, by raw it does so without question.

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Crits only apply to abilities that are applied via an attack and the rules for attacks clearly say that additional abilities (damage or otherwise) are from a result of something that usd an attack roll. Sneak attack is chosen after you hit as well should it not apply to abilities that apply to attacks? Whether or not you think GWF applies to smiting a smite is certainly part of an attack hence why it doubles on a crit. Your reasoning would make SA useless since he chooses after he hits which we know as false. If you had to declare smites before you made your attack roll I might view it differently, as part of the attack, but RAW it clearly is not.Are there free actions anymore? I did not think so.Īlso consider what you are saying if a rogue has two attacks per round and hits with his first attack on one target but ants to save his sneak attack for his second it is clear he gets to choose whether or not to use his SA dice after he hits. It's just a free action that happens after a successful attack. Smiting is clearly not an attack because it doesn't fit the criteria on PHB 194: there is no attack roll, so it's not an attack.